Tag Archives: quality

Racial and ethnic segregation in primary care

By | April 20, 2023

Primary care in the US is segregated by racial/ethnic identification. What are the implications? Most people in the US are aware that our neighborhoods are often highly segregated by race and ethnicity. Racism — historical and current, structural and individual — plays a role in neighborhood demographics. The same forces also result in segregated workplaces,… Read More »

Nursing Home Characteristics and COVID-19 Outcomes: The Evidence is Mixed

By | December 17, 2021

COVID-19 has severely affected nursing homes. As of now, over 139,270 residents and 2,155 nursing home staff have died from COVID-19. This post provides insight on the questions researchers are asking to understand the impact of nursing facility factors on COVID-19. A Perfect Storm The combination of a frail, aging population, close living quarters, and… Read More »

Risks of inpatient psychiatry during COVID-19 and beyond

By | May 3, 2020

COVID-19 has revealed many vulnerabilities in our societal structure. One particular vulnerability is the risk inherent in our use of congregate institutions to house and treat people. This includes the risks of inpatient psychiatric facilities. Inadvertently, the pandemic has surfaced critical questions that we should seek to answer even when the virus is under control: What is the right… Read More »

Who Treats Medicaid Patients?

By | June 14, 2016

Who treats Medicaid patients? And is the quality of care provided by these individuals the same as you might expect from a clinician who takes only private insurance? An article in the April 2016 issue of Medical Care sought to answer these questions.

Although more than 92% of physicians reported seeing at least one Medicaid patient in 2011, the median proportion of Medicaid patients, for both PCPs and specialists, was less than 6%. This suggests that a small group of providers is responsible for seeing the majority of patients with Medicaid coverage…

As a current medical student, this research struck a nerve, particularly because of the emphasis on IMGs and medical school ranking. … What is more important to me is to understand what I, as a future primary care provider, can do. How do I ensure that people with Medicaid coverage get timely and appropriate referrals to specialty care? How can I expand my provider network to better equip them with the tools they need to ensure their long-term, lasting health?