Author Archives: Janelle Armstrong-Brown, Jamie Humphrey, and Leah Sussman

About Janelle Armstrong-Brown, Jamie Humphrey, and Leah Sussman

Dr. Janelle Armstrong-Brown is social behavioral scientist whose work focuses on understanding and addressing the impact of structural inequality on health outcomes in communities of color and vulnerable populations. She has a special interest in engaging with communities to identify sustainable solutions to address health inequities.

The Long Arm of Redlining: Health Inequities in the Digital Divide

Medical care is sometimes, though not on this blog, viewed as the gold standard to address inequities. However, access to medical care only accounts for an estimated 10-20% of the modifiable factors that affect population health. The other 80-90% of modifiable factors are often referred to as social determinants of health (SDOH). These are theā€¦ Read More »