Author Archives: Naeomi Chin, Jade Hernandez, Evelyn Alvarez and Gregory Stevens

About Naeomi Chin, Jade Hernandez, Evelyn Alvarez and Gregory Stevens

Jade Hernandez (She/Her) is a former undergraduate student at California State University, Los Angeles, where she earned a B.S. in Public Health, served as treasurer for the Public Health Student Association, and was the committee lead for the Student Health Ambassadors at Cal State LA’s ‘Alcohol and Other Drugs’ committee. During her undergraduate career, she empowered adolescents to make healthy decisions as a Sexual Health Education Intern and improved access to student healthcare services as a Certified Peer Health Educator. Currently, she is an HIV/STD Enrollment Specialist with JWCH Institute, Inc. + Wesley Health Centers, where she aims to reduce barriers to healthcare access and help alleviate health disparities in underserved communities of Los Angeles.

Be a Little Less of an Individual: On Climate Change with Bill McKibben

Caring about the environment can feel like an uphill battle, where our individual efforts can seem small against the colossal issue of climate change. But working together–being just a little less of an individual in this battle–can feel uplifting and make a more significant difference. Environmental activist and author, Bill McKibben, joined Cal State LA’s… Read More »

First, Love Your Community: On Community Environmental Activism With mark! Lopez

“Love your community” was the overriding message from East Side Los Angeles-based community environmental activist mark! Lopez. mark! [spelled as written] was the third guest of the Cal State LA Public Health Department’s annual Book Read project. Love, he said, is the first concrete step that anybody can take to help protect and support their community.… Read More »

Every Little Bit Helps: On Climate Change and Hope With Sammy Roth and Caleigh Wells

Every little bit helps.  That is one of the key messages from our conversations on public health, climate change and hope with climate journalists Sammy Roth and Caleigh Wells. Each visited California State University Los Angeles as part of our Department of Public Health’s annual book read. All faculty and students in the department received… Read More »