Author Archives: Patricia Kelly, Amanda Emerson, Miles Crowley and Megha Ramaswamy

About Patricia Kelly, Amanda Emerson, Miles Crowley and Megha Ramaswamy

Amanda Emerson is Assistant Professor of Nursing and Health Studies at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, where her research has focused on how to better address the health needs of those marginalized by criminal justice status and low socioeconomic status. Dr. Emerson has done narrative-based research to understand how women manage interpersonal relationships to obtain support after an incarceration. She is currently exploring the use of mHealth applications as a means of promoting HPV vaccination among young adults in low-cost health clinics. Dr. Emerson is Associate Editor of Public Health Nursing.

Using Paolo Freire’s Methods to Teach Inmates About the Social Determinants of Health

Mass incarceration is a true epidemic. It is also one fueled by social determinants, including race. Over the past four decades of “war on drugs” and “tough on crime” policies, the US incarceration rate has increased by over 500% [pdf]. There are over 2 million men and women in jails and prisons across the country… Read More »