Fresh Voices is our series of special commentaries in Medical Care that began as blog posts.
Series Introduction: Lines LM, Williams JA. Introducing Fresh Voices: Commentaries from The Medical Care Blog. Medical Care. 2018;56(9):755.
- September 2018: Burrus O, Gupta C, Ortiz A, et al. Principles for Developing Innovative HIV Digital Health Interventions: The Case of Positive Health Check. Medical Care. 2018;56(9):756-760.
- Original blog post: Five principles for developing digital clinic-based, behavior-change health interventions by Olivia Burrus, Catherine Gupta, Alexa Ortiz, and Camilla Harshbarger, January 16, 2018
- July 2019: Mishori R. The Social Determinants of Health? Time to Focus on the Political Determinants of Health! Medical Care. 2019;57(7):491-493.
- Original blog post: The SOCIAL Determinants of Health? What About the POLITICAL Determinants of Health? by Ranit Mishori, October 4, 2018
- July 2020: Rollston R. Our Medical and Social Responsibility in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic. Medical Care. 2020;58(7):582-585.
- Original blog posts: The Social Determinants of Addiction By Rebekah Rollston, February 15, 2018; Decriminalization of Drug Possession: Key to the Public’s Health and Health Equity By Rebekah Rollston, December 20, 2019
- April 2022: Lines LM, Humphrey JL, Barch DH. Imputing Race and Ethnicity: A Fresh Voices Commentary From The Medical Care Blog. Medical Care. 2022 Mar 24.
- Original blog posts: Imputing Race & Ethnicity: Part 1; Imputing Race & Ethnicity: Part 2 by Lisa Lines and Jamie Humphrey, August 19 and August 26, 2021.
- September 2018: Burrus O, Gupta C, Ortiz A, et al. Principles for Developing Innovative HIV Digital Health Interventions: The Case of Positive Health Check. Medical Care. 2018;56(9):756-760.