Student Blog Contest!

Now more than ever, we need students engaged in improving healthcare access, delivery, and quality. The Medical Care Blog is committed to elevating student voices on these and other public health topics. To encourage excellent student blog posts, we are sponsoring a blogging competition with the Medical Care Section of the American Public Health Association.

Any student currently enrolled in a degree-granting program is eligible to submit a blog post on a topic of their choice that would be relevant to readers of this blog or our sponsoring journal, Medical Care. We are open to submissions relevant to current or ongoing healthcare delivery and public health issues. We publish reactions to new developments in the health policy world, research synopses and analyses, interviews with practitioners and researchers, and commentaries from health services researchers, clinicians, public health practitioners, policymakers, and analysts.

Entries should be approximately 700-1200 words in length and submitted via our contact form by January 31st, 2021. Three outstanding submissions will be recognized with an “Outstanding Student Blog Post” award and a $250 prize. Entries will be judged by a panel of reviewers who belong to the Medical Care Section. All entries will be considered for publication on the blog, but the final decision to publish is at the editors’ discretion. Regardless of the decision to publish, authors retain the copyright for their material.

Interested in joining the competition? Check our FAQ page and then submit your post and a brief bio via our contact form. We hope to hear from you!

Editor’s note: The winners of the student blog competition have been announced! Check them out.

Cole Ettingoff

Cole Ettingoff

Cole Ettingoff, MPH is a medical student at Trinity School of Medicine. Cole is Vice President of the American Association of Public Health Physicians, a Governing Councilor of the American Public Health Association, vice chair of the public health committee for the National Association of EMS Physicians, and an appointed member of the public health committee for the American College of Emergency Physicians, among other roles. Cole previously worked extensively in local public health in multiple states and also has a background in emergency response in a wide range of roles with a passion for comprehensive pre-hospital and out of hospital care as an integrated piece of the larger healthcare system. In addition to his medical studies and his involvements nationally, Cole remains operationally active in his local fire department and the Red Cross.
Cole Ettingoff

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About Jess Williams & Cole Ettingoff

Jessica A. Williams, PhD, MA is an Associate Professor of Health Policy and Administration at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Williams has been a member of the editorial board since 2013. Her research examines how workplace psychosocial factors affect the health and well-being of employees. Specifically, she investigates the role of pain in work disability and well-being. In addition, she researches the utilization of preventive medical services. She holds a Doctorate in Health Policy and Management from the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, a Master's in Economics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a BA in economics from Stanford University.